MS Group Publications
See the pages of individual authors for papers they have published in fields outside of multiple sclerosis.
Claflin, S., Campbell, J. A., Norman, R., Mason, D. F., Kalincik, T., Simpson-Yap, S., ... , Taylor, B. V. (2023). Using the EQ-5D-5L to investigate quality-of-life impacts of disease-modifying therapy policies for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in New Zealand. The European Journal of Health Economics, 24, 939–950. 10.1007/s10198-022-01518-x
Leadbetter, R., MacAskill, M., Myall, D. J., Taylor, B. V., Joshi, P., Mason, D. F. (2023). Multiple sclerosis mortality in New Zealand: a nationwide prospective study. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, jnnp-2022-33058. 10.1136/jnnp-2022-330582
Castellazzi, G., Debernard, L., Melzer, T. R., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., D’Angelo, E., Miller, D. H., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A., Mason, D. F. (2018). Functional connectivity alterations reveal complex mechanisms based on clinical and radiological status in mild relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology, 9, 690. 10.3389/fneur.2018.00690
Pearson, J. F., Alla, S., Clarke, G., Mason, D. F., Anderson, T., Richardson, A., Miller, D. H., Sabel, C. E., Abernethy, D. A., Willoughby, E. W., Taylor, B. V. (2017). Multiple sclerosis impact on employment and income in New Zealand. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 136, 223-232. 10.1111/ane.12714
Alla, S., Pearson, J. F., Taylor, B. V., Miller, D. H., Clarke, G., Richardson, A., Willoughby, E., Abernethy, D. A., Sabel, C. E., Mason, D. F. (2016). Disability profile of multiple sclerosis in New Zealand. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 28, 97-101. 10.1016/j.jocn.2015.09.020
Alla, S., Pearson, J. F., Taylor, B. V., Roxburgh, R., Clarke, G., Miller, D. H., Richardson, A., Abernethy, D. A., Willoughby, E., Sabel, C. E., Mason, D. F. (2016). An investigation of the relationship between latitude and multiple sclerosis severity in New Zealand. Multiple Sclerosis, 22, 705-707. 10.1177/1352458515605909
Mason, D., Pearson, J., Richardson, A., Alla, S. (2016). New Zealand nation-wide population-based multiple sclerosis incidence study shows increasing north-south latitude gradient (Abstract, poster 1, 399). Neurology, 86 (16, Suppl).
Alla, S., Pearson, J. F., Clarke, G., Mason, D. F., Miller, D. H., Richardson, A., Anderson, T., Abernethy, D., Willoughby, E., Sabel, C.E., Taylor, B. V. (2015). Employment among persons with multiple sclerosis in New Zealand (Abstract). Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 23(11, Suppl.), 419. 10.1177/1352458515602642
Alla, S., Pearson, J. F., Taylor, B. V., Miller, D. H., Richardson, A., Clarke, G., Abernethy, D., Willoughby, E., Sabel, C.E., Mason, D. F. (2015). Age has an effect on disability independent of age at onset of symptoms and disease duration (Abstract). Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 23(11, Suppl.), 397-398. 10.1177/1352458515602642
Alla, S., Taylor, B. V., Pearson, J. F., Richardson, A., Miller, D. H., Clarke, G., Abernethy, D., Willoughby, E., Sabel, C.E., Mason, D. F. (2015). Characteristics of familial multiple sclerosis in New Zealand: A country-wide population based study (Abstract). Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 23 (11, Suppl.), 722. 10.1177/1352458515602639
Broadley, S. A., Barnett, M. H., Boggild, M., Brew, B. J., Butzkueven, H., Heard, R., Hodgkinson, S., Kermode, A. G., Lechner-Scott, J., Macdonell, R. A., Marriott, M., Mason, D. F., Parratt, J., Reddel, S. W., Shaw, C. P., Slee, M., Spies, J. M., Taylor, B. V., Carroll, W. M., Kilpatrick, T. J., . . . Willoughby, E. (2015). A new era in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Medical Journal of Australia, 203(3), 139-141. 10.5694/mja14.01218
Debernard, L., Melzer, T. R., Alla, S., Eagle, J., Van Stockum, S., Graham, C., Osborne, J. R., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., Miller, D. H., Mason, D. F. (2015). Deep grey matter MRI abnormalities and cognitive function in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2015.10.00
Gu, B. J., Field, J., Dutertre, S., Ou, A., Kilpatrick, T. J., Lechner-Scott, J., Scott, R., Lea, R., Taylor, B. V., Stankovich, J., Butzkueven, H., Gresle, M., Laws, S. M., Petrou, S., Hoffjan, S., Akkad, D. A., Graham, C. A., Hawkins, S., Glaser, A., Bedri, S. K., . . . Wiley, J. S. (2015). A rare P2X7 variant Arg307Gln with absent pore formation function protects against neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis. Human Molecular Genetics, 24(19), 5644-54. 10.1093/hmg/ddv278
Luckey, A. M., Anderson, T., Silverman, M. H., Webster, G. (2015). Safety, tolerability and pharmacodynamics of a novel immunomodulator, MIS416, in patients with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis - Journal Experimental, Translational and Clinical, 1, 205521731558338. 10.1177/ 2055217315583385
Alla, S, Pearson, J, Richardson, A, Mason, D. (2014). The incidence of multiple sclerosis in New Zealand: a prospective, nationwide population-based study (Abstract). Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 20:(S1), 220. 10.1177/1352458514546077
Alla, S. , Mason, D.F. (2014). Multiple sclerosis in New Zealand. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 21, 1288-1291. 10.1016/j.jocn.2013.09.009
Alla, S., Pearson, J., Debernard, L., Miller, D. , Mason, D. (2014). The increasing prevalence of multiple sclerosis in New Zealand. Neuroepidemiology, 42, 154-16. 10.1007/s00702-013-1123-9
Debernard, L., Melzer, T. R., Van Stockum, S., Graham, C., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A., Dalrymple-Alford, J. C., Miller, D. H. , Mason, D.F. (2014). Reduced grey matter perfusion without volume loss in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 85. 10.1136/jnnp-2013-305612
Pearson, J. F., Alla, S., Clarke, G., Taylor, B. V., Miller, D. H., Richardson, A., Mason, D.F. (2014). Multiple sclerosis in New Zealand Maori. Multiple Sclerosis, 20(14), 1892-1895. 10.1177/1352458514535130
Toosy, A. T., Mason, D. F., Miller, D.H. (2014). Optic neuritis. Lancet Neurology, 13, 83-99. 10.1016/S1474-4422(13)70259-X
Debernard, L., Alla, S., Melzer, T., Van Stockum, S., Graham, C., Dalrymple-Alford, J., Miller, DH, Mason, D (2013). Cortical perfusion is associated with cognitive function in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis patients (Abstract). Multiple Sclerosis, 19(S11), 171. 10.1177/1352458513502429
The International Multiple Sclerois Genetics Consortium (2013). (2013), Analysis of Immune-related loci identifies 48 new susceptibility variants for multiple sclerosis. Nature Genetics, 45, 1353-1360.
Byrne, S., Mason, D. (2012). A review of interferon use in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis in the Canterbury region, New Zealand 2000-2006. New Zealand Medical Journal, 125 (1350, 37-44.
Richardson, A. K., Clarke, G., Sabel, C. E., Pearson, J. F., Mason, D. F., Taylor, B.V. (2012). Method for identifying eligible individuals for a prevalence survey in the absence of a disease register or population register. International Medical Journal, 42, 1207-1212.
Trojano, M., Lucchese, G., Graziano, G., Taylor, B. V., Simpson, S. J., Lepore, V., Grand'maison, F., Duquette, P., Izquierdo, G., Grammond, P., Amato, M. P., Bergamaschi, R., Giuliani, G., Boz, C., Hupperts, R. et al. , on behalf of the MSBase Study Group and the New Zealand MS Prevalence Study Group (2012). Geographical variations in sex ratio trends over time in multiple sclerosis. PLoS One, 7, e48078.. 10.1371/journal.pone.0048078
The International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium (2011). and the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2 (WTCCC2) (2011), Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis. Nature, 476, 214-219. 10.1038/nature10251
Taylor, B. V., Pearson, J. F., Clarke, G., Mason, D. F., Abernethy, D. A., Willoughby, E., Sabel, C. (2010). MS prevalence in New Zealand, an ethnically and latitudinally diverse country. Multiple Sclerosis, 16, 1422-1431. 10.1177/1352458510379614
Australia and New Zealand Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium (2009). Genome-wide association study identifies new multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci on chromosomes 12 and 20. Nature Genetics, 41, 824-828. 10.1038/ng.396
Canadian MS Working Group (2004). Treatment optimization in multiple sclerosis. Canadian Journal of Neurological Science, 31, 157-168.
Anderson, T., Donaldson, I. M., Sheat, J. , George, P. (1990). Methylprednisolone in multiple sclerosis exacerbation: changes in CSF parameters. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 20, 794.