Extensive neuropsychological testing
The Parkinson's group is the largest research team at NZBRI, with approximately 25 staff and students working on the disorder. The group is led by consultant movement disorders neurologist, Professor Tim Anderson, and neuropsychology specialist, Professor John Dalrymple-Alford. Our particular focus in recent years has been on the progression of cognitive impairment and dementia.
Much of our activity revolves around NZP3, a large longitudinal study of over 460 local people with Parkinson's and 110 controls, which has been running since 2007. Each person is given extensive neuropsychological assessment, clinical evaluations, eye movement testing, and, where possible, MRI or PET brain imaging.
This study provides a platform for many other more targeted investigations, such as of caregiver burden, functional imaging, emotional effects on motor control, and epidemiology.
Further details on NZP3 and how to participate