Rachel Nolan
Research Support Team Manager
New Zealand Brain Research Institute, Christchurch
As Research Support Team Co-Manager I primarily work on the NZP3 study which is investigating the progressive changes in people with Parkinson’s disease over time; particularly in cognition, everyday functions, and movement. I also contribute to the various ongoing clinical trials being conducted at the institute.
My research training is in psychology. I have worked in various research settings in the areas of clinical research, Parkinson’s disease, alternatives to psychiatric inpatient care, student drug use, Bipolar disorder, First episode psychosis and research funding support.
This is my third stint at NZBRI and I am thrilled to be back working with a committed and passionate team and a fantastic research population.
Provided on request for non-commercial personal use by researchers.
Lloyd-Evans, B., Slade, M., Osborn, D. P., Skinner, R., Johnson, S. (2011). Developing and comparing methods for measuring the content of care in mental health services. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,
46, .
Skinner, R., Conlon, L., Gibbons, D., McDonald, C. (2011). Cannabis use and non-clinical dimensions of psychosis in university students presenting to primary care. Acta Psychiatr Scand,
123, .
Lloyd-Evans, B., Johnson, S., Gilburt, H., Osborn, D., Jagielska, D., Skinner, R., Leese, M., Shepherd, G., and Slade, M. (2010). Alternatives to standard acute inpatient care in England: differences in content of care and staff-patient contact. British Journal of Psychiatry,
197, .
Slade, M., Byford, S., Barrett, B., Lloyd-Evans, B., Gilburt, H., Osborn, D., Skinner, R., Leese, M., Thornicroft, G., Johnson, S. (2010). Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: short-term clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness. The British Journal of Psychiatry,
197, .