Without willing volunteers, our research would grind to a halt.
We study people, not petri dishes. Without willing volunteers, our research would grind to a halt.
We maintain a list of volunteers, both healthy control participants and people with Parkinson's disease. If you would like to join our pool of volunteers, please contact us on (03) 928 1330 or e-mail volunteer@nzbri.org. Once you go on the list, it may take time for you to be asked to take part in a study: we'll be waiting until we can match you to compare with someone else of the same age, sex, handedness and so on.
When you are contacted about taking part in a research study, you will be provided with an information sheet detailing exactly what is involved and what you will be required to do. It is entirely up to you whether you decide to take part or not, and declining to take part will not affect your continuing health care. You are also free to withdraw at any time during a study.
All of our research procedures are formally reviewed in order to safeguard the rights of participants and protect them from harm. Each project will have been approved by one of the two committees below, which are independent of the Institute: